
About me

Hey, I'm Michael! I'm a software developer living in Hamilton, Ontario. I work remotely for a biotech company based in Utah. Welcome to my little piece of the internet. 🌱

This site has no ads, no affiliate links and no analytics. It’s just a playground where I try out ideas and share what I've learned with the world. To see more, check out my open-source work on GitHub and my video tutorials on YouTube.

You can also contact me on Twitter or by email if you’re feeling chatty. 🤗

What I'm doing now

Last updated Jun 25, 2023.

Random facts

  • My first coding project was a Minesweeper clone I built in high school using Visual Basic 💣
  • Before software engineering, I worked as an opera singer (❤️), an accountant (🙄) and a college English professor (😅)
  • I taught myself frontend development when I was an opera singer and too broke to pay someone for a website 🎹
  • I’m to-do list obsessed and always looking for better ways to use tools like Things as a "second brain"
  • Pronouns: he/him/his



  • Jun 25: Published my notes as a way of learning in public 📝
  • Jun 25: Designed and rebuilt this website using Eleventy (instead of Next or Gatsby) to encourage me to focus on writing ⚡️
  • Apr 8: Got married 💍








  • Jul 15: Designed and built egofilmarts.com for Canadian film and stage director Atom Egoyan 🚀