Finding Text in Vim


Find in current file

  • / command
  • Options to set to make this work better

Find in project

  • Telescope

Move the rest to editing note? Is the finding or replacing aspect the primary theme?

Find and replace in file

  • :%s/before/after/gc
  • Reference vim help command for before/after syntax and flags

Replace symbol

  • When renaming a symbol, don’t rely on test pattern matching
  • Leverage LSP to intelligently rename all occurrences that symbol instead
  • TODO: define symbol

Telescope -> Quickfix list

  1. Find occurrences you’re looking for using telescope
  2. Send results to quickfix list
  3. :cdo s/before/after/gc | update


  • Omit this option?
  • Any benefits?


  • My blog post about this?

Navigating Files
