VS Code



Keyboard shortcuts


  • 📺 VS Code 🔥 Tips and Tricks - YouTube • 15 minute video by Sana Ajani and Brian Clark showing how to customize VS Code's interface and GitHub integration
  • 📺 VS Code Tips and Tricks • 27 minute video by Sana Ajani with more suggestions for how to improve VS Code's preferences and GitHub integration
  • Themes:
    • I keep coming back to Dracula and Gruvbox Dark Medium
      • The former is the prettiest to me, while the latter is the most readable (e.g. emoji colours stand out since the gray/brown bg colour is more neutral than Dracula's purple/blue one)
    • Maybe Gruvbox for me and Dracula for screen sharing?
  • I'm enjoying hiding numbers by default!

Using TailwindCSS