


  • 📖 Habits vs. Tasks • Article by The Sweet Setup explaining why habits are generally more useful than goals


  • 📖 Squarknote #5 • Article by Susan Fowler Rigetti explaining how she uses monthly todo notebooks to achieve her goals


  • ✍️ Learn In Public • Article by Shawn Wang explaining the personal and career benefits of learning in the open


  • 📺 Scaling Yourself • 56 minute video by Scott Hanselman about the necessity of letting go of most things and focusing on the few that matter most


  • 📺 The magic of Textexpander • 9 minute video by Marie Poulin showing how she uses Textexpander to quickly output text she repeatedly needs


  • 🧰 git-standup • Command line tool by kamranahmedse that reminds you what you did on the last working day


  • Take simpler notes!
  • For years, I used a sophisticated combination of three Notion databases to track all my research and writing. It was highly successful at collecting links to things I'd read. But had a negative impact on actually writing. I spent far more time organizing my notes and the relationships between them than actually new content, let alone publishing it.
  • I switched to an old school single folder of markdown files and my writing and publishing took off.